Wednesday 7 January 2009

Anger to Action

The time appropriately witnesses the actions and reactions of the doers and the despair of the bearers but hardly these views are comprehended by the ones who govern and control.
The motives are not understood and often misjudged for the sake of demanded actions. Be it Political or Diplomatic the idea that controls right or wrong does not necessarily come from the right person at right time. The anger is born!!

Who doesn’t know this and for those who know, the stories do not go beyond the dinner tables with TVs on or the gossips during free hours, the feeling that I am not angry with anyone or I can deal with all the ones I am angry with takes us to nice sleeps in our beds- alas thy anger dies!!

The heinous attack on our fellow human beings shocked the peace loving hoi polloi of our country. Innocents were killed and bruised, Shocked because anything obvious but unexpected is not accepted, but this time it was packed and mailed to our homes. Kudos!! To media who did the postman job.
There were evident warnings of something bigger to come and as completely laidback and burdened with work babus, we never cared and so was the impact, we were hit hard and fast. So who’s to blame?? It’s fairly easy to blame the intelligence and far easier to guess the doers as none of these costs you anything other than few gushes of air from lungs passing through larynx and mouth to create sound. Huh!! That’s what our leaders have done for securing their lively hood. Still unsure of right or wrong, we the people still gaze the sky for the answers. The despair of being in democracy and not able to do anything grows the anger that has dwelled in our heart for several Mundane reasons

And this doesn’t end here; the anger finds a vent or fills the hearts of people of a growing democracy with frustration and contempt, the contempt of the ones who are in stature of and are not acting to aid the cause. The feeling of discontentment leads to endeavour and sensible endeavours lead to revolutions.
Sounds good, but this does not seem to have happened to us, we are jovial again and may soon count it just as a dismal mishap of the year gone by in the competition refreshers.
And eventually may forget to use the greatest weapon which can lead to all that our anger intended.
To curb the odds and establish the rights, democracy provides us with the weapon of vote, and when used it has always fetched good results. So the need of the hour is to master this weapon and make ourselves secure for the days to come. And this in turn requires the same effort that shows up in demonstrations on the streets for securing seats in the colleges or reservations in jobs. Seemingly the anger is far bigger this time the power it carries is overwhelming but all it needs is the right way to bring it out. Standing in the queus ,waiting to vote is far better that waiting un protected and unsecure at homes, restaurants, parks or hotels to get shot or bombarded.

1 comment:

footloose said...

India as a country is yet to evolve and recognize its potential.I feel that this heinous act brought us together as one entity. I had read some where that India got independence in 1947 but its people were not ready for democracy. Its a statement made from a distance, without understanding the spirit of the people. What defines us is not our current leaders, its the will power to survive and excel. Some where in this struggle, we tend to become little selfish but this is a price for growing up in a democratic environ.
Some times, it is not wise to react in the heat of the moment. Attacking the neighboring enemy and converting it into another Afghanistan would not be good for the long term and may not help. When you are attacked, some times the best solution is not to react violently but to fix your weaknesses. The problem lies with our mismanagement of internal security and getting carried away with the stupid propaganda carried on by the politicians for electoral gains.